Monday, January 20, 2020

How Do You Get Free V-Bucks In Fortnite?

Image via Microsoft

How Do You Get Free V Bucks In Fortnite?

If you are a big Fortnite fan like I am, you purchased the full game. If you did, here are three tips to get you free v-bucks. You are likely missing out on so many v-bucks and you just didn't know it.

Complete daily missions

You are allowed to complete up to 3 daily missions a day. Each daily mission completion earns 50 v-bucks. In addition to getting a daily sign-in bonus that could be v-bucks, you can complete daily missions. This is the most consistent way to earn v-bucks. If I have time to play Fortnite, completing a daily mission is the first item on my todo list.

Progress in the storyline

There are rewards for successfully completing missions as you progress the story. If you progress, you are guaranteed to get v-bucks. You can only go through the story once, but not completing the story is leaving v-bucks on the table.

Help others with Stormshield missions

Even after you complete all of your Stormshield missions, you can help others with their mission. It's very simple to do. Go to any Stormshield and choose the option to assist others. The reward for completing each tier is v-bucks. If you really like the defend Stormshield mission, you should give this a try. This is also a good way to complete other missions that provide many types of great rewards.

Did I miss anything?

I would love to hear anything I missed. I'm a casual gamer and know I don't have all the answers. Please add anyways I missed in the comments section. Also, if you're on Xbox and would like help to earn v-bucks, let me know. I'm definitely down to hop in a game to help out. The truth is we both benefit if we go after v-bucks together. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How Much Is Fortnite Save The World?

February 2018

Today Fortnite Save the World is in Early Access Beta.  This means that you will either have to get a free code or fork out your cold hard cash for this game.  At some point Fortnite will be free to play.  However, Epic Games is really incentivized not to rush moving this game out of Early Access Beta.  I'm not going to get into this during this point, but I may write about this in the future.

The Future

At some point in the future Epic Games moves this game out of Early Access Beta.  There will be differences then the game you play today.  What changes can we expect?  I'm glad you asked.  Here's a great explanation of why the game is transitioning to free to play and what to expect.


The easiest way is to get the PC version is to head over to Epic Games and grab a copy.  There's a few options ranging for $39.99 for the standard edition to $149.99 for limited edition.  What's the difference.  Well, a lot! You can read about the difference on Epic's site.

Xbox One

You have a few options with purchasing Fortnite on Xbox. Here's the latest price from Amazon.  You can use gift cards, PayPal, and many other forms of money to purchase Fortnite.  There maybe Amazon discounts and free codes floating around.  There's also a disc copy if you would like to purchase one.

Playstation 4

Fortnite is available for purchase on the PS4.  At the time of writing this the pricing is crazy.  I couldn't find a digital download for the PS4.  The UK version is priced over $900 USD.  Not sure why this is case, but wow!  That's pricey.